
A good beginning

Although all of my looms (2 floor looms, 1 table loom, 1 rigid heddle loom, 1 inkle loom) were naked on New Year’s Day, I’m off to a good start on my weaving goal for 2018. The afternoon of 1/1 I measured out a warp of Pansy 20/2 silk for that great draft I showed […]

What the heck???

Yesterday I took Jack out for his regular afternoon walk. It’s been very cold, so he usually chooses to walk only as long as absolutely necessary to accomplish his mission. The afternoon walk was once around the block, which was what this walk often is any time of the year. Fine.

We got back home […]

Dyeing, knitting, weaving

Like most people’s lives in December, mine has been busy. Here are a few highlights.

I helped out at the Weaving Center, providing an extra pair of hands for a talented felter and teacher who taught 8 teenagers to felt a little bag. So creative!

I knit 2 hats for my grandson. He requested […]

An even dozen

I was pretty certain I wouldn’t hit my goal of 6-7 finished pieces for November, and I ended up with an even dozen. Here’s how.

In an earlier post I showed you the 2 cream shawls I wove from cotton and vintage synthetic, and 2 piano scarves still on the loom. That’s 4. As soon […]

Last show of the year

Join me and other Roycroft Artisans at our Winter Show this weekend. Everything will be of very high quality among this group!