
Wow – that was unexpected

I usually consider myself a quick study. I learn most things pretty easily. So I was excited back in September to take a class in triaxial weaving – weaving in 3 different directions, in this case with 1/4″ ribbon.

The first layer of weaving was simple straight lines. No problem. The second layer was […]

Having fun, making progress

Although I’ve been feeling stressed about being behind in my weaving goals, months ago I’d made plans to visit another weaver, the lovely Hilary at Crazy as a Loom, and I wasn’t going to cancel it.

Hilary is talented, funny, gracious, and inspiring, eager to share some ideas about boosting sales and upping my […]

Bookmarks & brilliance

I was reminded just how much slower it is to use levers on a table loom than treadles on a floor loom while I wove these 22 bookmarks on my Missouri loom at the pop up shop.

I think they look rather like a fanciful turkey tail here.

After I finally finished […]

Brilliant or bad-early on

Here’s the ‘brilliant or bad idea’ piece early on in the weaving. I am loving it. However I know from experience that what I love on the loom isn’t always what I love once it comes off, is finished, and I can see the whole of it from a distance. In this particular case, […]

Brilliant or bad idea?

My friend had lent me her dyes to shibori those socks, and while they were here I decided to use a little more of them. I got my color inspiration from somewhere on the web, and if I knew where I’d be happy to credit them, but you know how it is…you scroll around and […]