
Same but different

There’s no reason why you’d remember a post of mine from February 2019. Instead of sending you back there, I’ll just re-post one of the photos from that post. I had just finished this open-front cardigan. Dyed the tencel, wove it, sewed it.

Well, I still have that piece. I’ve had it at shows […]

Some new things

Here’s what I’ve accomplished since my last post:

I got a cold. Or maybe it’s a touch of the flu, lessened by the fact that I got a flu shot. In any case, I spent only one day feeling totally crappy, and since then several days feeling pretty good but staying away from people […]

On doing and not-doing

It’s December. Mid-December. And I’ve been thinking. Thinking about my weaving/creating, about working, about life, about joy. About what I can do, what I’m willing to do, and what I want to do; what makes me happy.

Specifically, what I will weave and how much of it. If I were ‘on target’ with my […]

I’ll never tell

I’m making Christmas presents (several things, all rather last minute, at least for me), so can’t show or tell any of them, but I’ll let you play a guessing game. Name of the game is: What on Earth is She Doing?

These are all the steps I can give you until after Christmas, but here […]

My first snowblowing, plus dye results

A few weeks ago we had a wet, heavy snow here in Rochester (NY). Lots of it. 15″ reported at the airport. I shoveled for more than 3 hours, and it wasn’t easy. Or fun. I talked to a few people about changing my mind and considering buying a snowblower. A friend suggested I consider […]