
Gee whiz

Don’t you hate it when you don’t take your own advice? How many times have I said – to myself and to others – either the color or the weave structure/pattern can be the star. They can’t both be the star. They’ll just fight with each other when they try. But look what I did.


Quick catch up

I know it’s been a while and I wanted to do a catch up post, but it’s got to be quick because I’ve too many things on my must-do-today list. Let’s start with this.

I don’t know who Larry is, and Jack doesn’t look anything like this (he’s a little mixed breed Lhasa), but […]

And then weeks passed

Honestly, I have absolutely no idea where the time goes. Suddenly two and a half weeks have passed since I last posted. How does this happen? What am I doing with my time? Sometimes I don’t even know, but each day goes by. So it’s time to share some odds and ends of what I […]

Back at it

Once the holidays were over, the decorations taken down and stored until next year, the baking frozen (ok, mostly eaten), I focused on doing the year-end inventory. This is always a chore I really dread, although it’s never a bad as I think it will be. That’s because I’m nowhere near as careful or exacting […]

More Christmas

I’m going to start with a Christmas miracle of sorts.

On May 31st I posted some newly-finished towels for sale in the Handwovens For Sale group on Facebook. The next day a lovely woman living in France ordered 2 of them, and decided, based on her experience, that she wanted First Class shipping. I […]