
Out With The Old

My clever son built me a new rack for my coned yarn. (You’ll see that later.) It’s wonderful. And big. In order to make room for it, something had to go.

I spent last night assembling and organizing this sweet little computer desk.

I really like to assemble things, so that was fun. I […]

My Baby

Michael, my youngest, mugged for the camera wearing his baby hat. Pretty cute, huh?

I must say, he’s as pleasant, as easy going, as charming now as he was when he was a little boy. Now he adds to it having any number of talents that’s he’s happy to share with friends and family. […]

It’s A Frog, It’s A Whale, It’s…


I came home from work and saw this odd formation. At first glance I thought it looked like a breaching whale Then I thought it looked like a frog climbing onto the roof.

Obviously it’s a big block of snow & ice that slid off my garage roof all in one piece. In […]

Where Does It Go?

I’ll start by saying that I haven’t lived in a city, or even a town, for more than 30 years. I’m therefore pretty ignorant when it comes to how things work in cities.

I get all my water from a spring, not a huge city water supply. When I turn on the faucet, I can […]

I Know You By Heart

Some songs just send their messages directly to your core, touching you deeply, every single time you hear them. Eva Cassidy singing I Know You By Heart is one of those songs for me. I stop what I’m doing and just listen, feeling the music and the words, often with tears running down my face.
