
Wasps Must Die

Trust me, I don’t bare my thighs. They are decidedly NOT attractive. But I can’t help myself in this case.

Last night I was simultaneously talking on the phone with Margaret and winding a warp on my loom. I bent over to align my separating paper, and BAM, I was stung. Apparently a wasp had […]

Nature’s Art Class

If yesterday was a Currier and Ives painting, today is an Ansel Adams photograph.

As usual this time of year, yesterday morning’s thick, heavy, wet snow completely melted off the trees by mid-day.

Starting in the wee hours this morning a very light snow/rain mix fell, providing a new coating, one that was […]

Out Like A Lion

The old saw is that if March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb; in like a lamb, out like a lion.

Hah! This year’s a fooler. March came in like a lion and is leaving like a lion.

I awoke this morning to about an inch of snow on […]

How Lucky Am I?

My wonderful son spent the weekend with me. He’s kind, easy-going, fun, hard working, and quite talented. He designed and built that wonderful cone rack a few weeks ago.

This weekend I was almost out of firewood and we were in the middle of a late March cold snap. I was completely willing to turn […]

March 23 – Spring or Winter?

I awoke this morning to 6+ inches of snow on the ground. The heavy, wet type. Slogging through it at 5AM with my dog wasn’t fun, but we got through it. Poor little Red had snowballs up the entire length of his hairy legs, and all over his belly. I had to put him in […]