
This and that

Spring is absolutely my favorite season. I LOVE seeing all the new little plants poke their noses through the soil, watching the colors of the spring blooms, the cooler temperatures of spring vs. summer, and I even like doing the spring garden cleanup. That last item does take time, however, even when I did a […]

Garden beauties

Before we get to the garden beauties I’ll show you the results of my second attempt at geode dyeing. Much better than the first, but it certainly says more space-like than geode-like to me. Here’s the front…

…and the back.

It’s clear to me that I simply cannot pull the sinew tight enough […]

Trees, plants, and rocks

So no weaving to show, but…read to the end and you’ll find out where I’m at with that. Meanwhile, more about nature – real and attempted recreations.

The oak trees in my neighborhood were HEAVY with pollen this year. Yellow sidewalks were the norm. Then I thought that issue was over, only to have oak […]

I’ve done it again

It’s again been weeks since I posted. I guess the reality is that when I’m not weaving, I don’t make writing a blog post a priority. And I haven’t woven anything since the last post. Nothing planned, no warp wound, nothing beamed. Naked looms. And I’m okay with that, at least for now.

With no […]

On being safe and well


May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent.

May […]