
And now it’s October

I sound more and more like my mother – like everyone’s mother – every day. Where does the time go? Last time I looked it was mid-September, and now it’s rapidly closing in on mid-October. And when I try to figure out what I did in the past month, I can’t come up with a lot. Am I forgetting stuff? Perhaps. But I can’t do more than report what I can remember.

So the first thing I accomplished since my last post was finish my tunic sewn from my handwoven cloth. I used a few different techniques, in combination, to secure my cut edges. I used a very thin, knit, fusible tape along the edges. Easy enough on the straight pieces; I used lots of little pieces to go around curves. I also used a 3-step zigzag along the cut edges, on top of the fusible tape.

edge of fabric with fusible tape

Since the sleeves had to be eased to set them in, I couldn’t use the fusible tape, so they went with just the 3-step zigzag.

edge of cloth with 3-step zigzag

And every seam got pressed open (sleeve seam pressed toward the body) and topstitched for even more assurance.

I got it done just in time to wear it on September 24th.

handwoven tunic from front

handwoven tunic from side

I’m happy with it overall. Again, I’d make a few small changes next time. The store-bought bias tape is a bit stiffer on the neckline than I’d like; next time perhaps a facing from the handwoven. I’d make the sleeves a bit shorter so I didn’t have to roll them up to be my desired length. I’d leave the body the whole length of the pattern, adding another inch or two to the total length.

I made a yummy batch of raspberry-peach jam, with berries from my garden and peaches I’d frozen.

raspberrry-peach jam

I’ve spent quite a bit of time at my inkle loom. Doing a lot of pickup, which is a slow process. I can’t share more of my work than this at the moment, but I will give you the teaser below. And tell you that I’m working on what I hope will be a project I’ll submit to an upcoming show.

Inkle woven band, Emmett Till

Other than that? Some of this and some of that. I’ve been doing garden cleanup. I’ve been helping out with my grandsons when I can. I’ve spent some amount of time, from a distance, helping to make sure that things are running smoothly at the Weaving & Fiber Arts Center. I’ve been text-banking for the Biden-Harris campaign.

I’m going to leave you with a few nature shots. My lovely Japanese dogwood. (Jack thinks he should eat whatever fruits fall or the squirrels knock down. They’re not poisonous or anything, but I will tell you we’re using a lot more poop bags these days.)

cornus kousa in Autumn

A lovely evening sunset on my street.

cloudy sunset

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