
Finding the Rainbow

It’s happened again. Too many days have passed without a new post. In my defense, I have been busy. And have posted on Facebook for those of you who are there. But not here. My bad.

So what have I been doing? Of course some weaving. As planned I wove a batch of circles, 9 in fact.

9 handwoven Finding the Rainbow towels

Here they are in groups of three.

I sold the first two of these before they went online to my biggest fan (aka sister).
orange, periwinkle, and turquoise towels

The lilac towel from this grouping and turquoise from the first grouping are on their way to Australia.
light blue, dark blue & lilac towels

The last two towels in this grouping were sold before they hit Facebook as well, to my second biggest fan (aka friend). I wasn’t sure if I’d like the elongation of some of the circles so only did it on the last towel. I will do that again.
salmon, scarlet, and pink towels

I posted mid-day on Wednesday and by Thursday evening only have the light blue one left.

So I’m preparing yet another warp of towels. I’m going to return to the squares as I like the ‘solidity’ of their colors, but I’m going to take some learning from the circles. First, my warp, which has been 6 colors, will be arranged in a bright rainbow. Second, I’m planning to vary some of the sizes of the squares. Yeah, there will be some rectangles. 🙂

In addition to all my towel weaving, I’m enrolled in an online class on Deflected Double Weave at the Weaving & Fiber Arts Center. This is our first attempt, pushed by the pandemic, and I definitely wanted to be in on it to see how it works. So I have the warp measured for that and will need to get it on the loom and threaded before Monday morning.

I had signed up for the Weave-Along with Tien Chiu and Janet Dawson to get more brave with my color choices, but felt too overwhelmed and bailed.

After discussion with a friend, I’m having her come and video my process of getting a warp on my loom, as I use some processes that others might find useful. Or not. I’d thought about whether this could be a Zoom lecture for the Center, but decided just doing a video made more sense.

I’d signed up for a CSA way back in February. Yesterday was my first pickup, and I got 5 of my favorites: asparagus, sugar snap peas, lettuce, strawberries, and rhubarb. So *had* to make a strawberry-rhubarb crisp.

strawberry rhubarb crisp

As they say on the worst commercials – But wait – there’s more!

My daughter and son-in-law gave me my birthday present a few weeks early. And it is a whopper – an inflatable kayak! I LOVE IT!!!! It’s made of heavy-duty material, sort of like an inner tube of old. From pulling it out of my trunk to putting it in the water takes me about 15 minutes and then I’m off.

kayaking on the bay

So far I’ve been on Irondequoit Creek, Irondequoit Bay, and the Erie Canal. More water trips to come, for sure!

And then I decided I wanted to make some kindness rocks. So much easier and longer lasting than writing on my sidewalk, which I did twice. I took a walk and gathered these rocks, then painted them with the only outdoor paint I have, a lavendar/periwinkle color.

painted rocks

Every other day or so I write/draw on a rock with the only 2 sharpies I have and take it with me when I go on my morning walk. I put it someplace where it will be seen without getting in the way of a lawn mower or weed wacker. Here’s my latest rock.

kindness rock

I don’t remember exactly where I’ve placed them all, but find it interesting that 3 of the ones I placed are no longer where I’ve put them. I’ve decided to think of this as a good thing, that they were picked up and put somewhere else so even more people get to enjoy them. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

6 comments to Finding the Rainbow

  • Alma

    You are a positive machine. my dear!!

    Designing, weaving, kayaking, baking, rocking (I like that word). Is there much you haven’t been up to?

    You do such good work at everything you do!

    Be safe with your kayak, OK?

    • Peg Cherre

      We all do what we can, Alma. Happiness can be spread, it just has to start somewhere. When I can start it, I do. When I need others to start it, I look for it.

  • Judy T

    Love your towels! Love your strawberry rhubarb crisp photo! LOVE your early birthday gift! Love kayaking! Love your kindness rocks! Love your happy, cheery, inspiring post!

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks so much, Judy. It’s hard to be sad when you have so much to be grateful for in your life. Especially if you stay away from the news.

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Cindie. I can’t weave towels fast enough this spring/summer, which is great.

    I’ve done some weaving on my rigid heddle with kids. The loom is all warped up, let them choose the weft threads and weave a piece. Label it and give it to them when the length is woven off. I’ve also done some public weaving on a tapestry-style loom made from PVC pipe. I’ll send you an image of that one, assuming I can find it. There’s always weaving on a cardboard loom to make a bag. How old are these kids??

  • Love your cheery towels! You’re a good salesperson with only having 1 left, of course they probably need no salesperson, they sell themselves.

    The kids across the street need some summer art activities. Not sure how I got recruited but I did. I’m thinking of weaving found objects along with yarn on driftwood made tapestry style looms but that will take time to prepare. Been thinking of painting rocks so they can leave them for others to find. Love your idea of rocks with sentiments on them.

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