
Craft Store at the Back Door

Today is the first day of our pop up shop. Very slow so far, but that’s only to be expected. Here are a few samples of goodies on display.

A few of my handmade necklaces. Two very different looks, unlikely to appeal to the same person…except for me.

woven wings necklace

spare change necklace

In addition to her wide variety of machine embroidered items…

monogrammed bags etc

…Debi has a few of her lovely pots.

Debi's pots

In addition to other weaving, I’ve got some just-finished towels.

striped towels

Here’s just one of them so you can get the bigger picture.

blue striped towel

I also have those shibori socks and ice dyed onesies from the last post.

There’s enough space here that I brought my Missouri loom. I’ve been out of bookmarks for many months, and I figured this was a good time to make many. Warped my loom for at least 18. This is as far as I’ve gotten by 2PM. 🙂


If you’re in or near Rochester, contact me and I’ll give you details on how to find us! 10-4 every Saturday & Sunday from now till mid-December.

5 comments to Craft Store at the Back Door

  • Once word gets out and the holidays loom a bit closer I’m betting sales will pick up. Heaven knows there is a quite the choice of beautiful things!

    • Peg Cherre

      That’s our hope, too, Theresa. Plus, because the exact location in a group of buildings is a bit of challenge to find, I have ideas on how to draw attention to our location with little white lights, a wreath, etc. We’re committed to the concept, so hopefully…..

  • Judy T

    Hooray Peg! Hope that it turns out to be both fun and worthwhile venture!

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Alma. I’ve had it for some time, and it really appeals to me, but I don’t get dressed up to wear it anywhere, black sweater or no.

      I expect it to be reasonably fun, Judy, and a chance to get to know some folks better. As for selling? Not so much.

  • Alma

    Goo for you! That first necklace is a stunner! Talk about autumn/southwest/gorgeous! I’m picturing it against a black sweater. Oh, my!!

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