
Hanging the roses

roses hung in the window

I have the transparency done and hung. It’s not perfect, and I would make different decisions if I were going to do it again, but I’m happy with it. I debated about making it monochrome or using several colors, and honestly, I don’t know which I would have preferred. I may make another transparency at some point in the future, but not right now.

To both remind me and potentially help others, I used 16/2 linen for warp, sett at 10EPI, and doubled 8/4 cotton (rug warp) for the inlays.

I made it to hang in the front section of the bay window in my kitchen, where there’s no crossbar to interrupt it, but I don’t have the right rod to hang it with. I’ll pick one up soon.

9 comments to Hanging the roses

  • Jennifer P.

    Well done!

  • Beautiful Peg! It looks hard as all get out. I don’t think I’d have the patience, no I know I wouldn’t.

    • Peg Cherre

      I’d use an analogy of making homemade cream puffs. Not hard, just tedious and time consuming. Yet impressive when complete. 🙂

      I also learned that the design is a challenge, at least for me. I don’t have the artistic ability you have, when you look at what you’ve done with your house.

  • Alma

    Wow – Are you ever brave! And look how beautiful it is! It is lovely with the light behind it, and will also look great at night when the colors really shine!

    Good job!

    • Peg Cherre

      There’s nothing brave about it. If it didn’t work I’d simply throw it away, as I have other failed projects. No big deal. I’d been wanting to try it since I took a class in it over a year ago. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  • It turned out great. I’ve done some in the past and ended up using wool for the inlays.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Cindie. I had the rug warp, so it made sense to me to use it. I tend to not have much wool on hand as I don’t generally weave with it.

  • Tobie

    Very nice–I’ve always wanted to try that technique.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Tobie. Prepare to go VERY SLOWLY – this is not a fast weave by any means. And be sure that your design or motifs are pretty large. My smallest rose, which I increased in size after the sampling I did, is still too small.

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