
Post, posting, posted

I reported in my last post that I’d made some marketing decisions: to reactivate my Etsy shop and to open a Facebook account for my business. I have now done both. I’ve put a Social Media link at the top of my page, and I hope that you’ll stop by both places.

handwoven red spots scarf

I’m slowly getting items put up in my Etsy shop. This is not a fast process. Since it’s best to have 4 or 5 different shots of each item, first I had to set up a decent place in my house to take photos. (Notice I didn’t say a good place; I don’t think I have a good place.) Take many photos of each item to get a few decent ones. Learn that my iPhone takes better photos than my relatively new Canon digital camera. Get the photos into my computer, crop and adjust lighting, then resize them appropriately.

Then for each listing I have to write a description, figure out the best tags for it, determine size and weight of it when packaged, and so on. While I do some copy & paste stuff, much of it simply has to be entered anew for each item. I’m trying to prioritize and first put up items that I think might be seasonally attractive, like red things, and warm things, and towels because they’re more affordable and made great gifts.

If at any time you feel like tagging my Etsy shop or a particular item as a Favorite, I’ll appreciate it. Those Favorite tags help my shop and/or specific items to rise in the searches. (At least I think they do; I hope readers with an Etsy shop will correct me if I’m wrong.)

Facebook post

Then there’s Facebook. So much to learn, so much to figure out. In order to set up a page for Second Wind Weaving I had to first set up a personal account. Figure out how to create and upload an appropriate logo and header image.

Then I had to ‘find friends.’ Since my purpose was to promote my business, especially my baby wraps, I started by looking for all the moms I’d sold wraps to. Some I found quickly, others not at all. Send out many friend requests. Respond gratefully to the moms who responded, which includes going to their pages and commenting, or at least liking, one or more of their posts. Get myself invited to join a few closed groups related to baby wraps and other handwoven items.

Figure out how to find those groups on a regular basis. Realize that when someone I don’t know personally wants to friend me, even if it’s clear it’s a fellow weaver, I have to first go to her page and read a few posts so that I don’t connect with someone who uses FB to post political opinions or even rants, especially if those views are antithetical to me. And that far from feeling guilty about ignoring or rejecting those friend requests, that is the appropriate response.

Like Etsy, if you go to my Second Wind Facebook page and like my posts, I think it helps people find me. Again, I could be wrong.

Trust me, I have LOTS to learn at both places, and will appreciate any insights you might be able to provide.

possible floor plan layout

In more afternoons than I like to think about I’m spending time doing things for the Weaving and Fiber Arts Center (WaFAC). Like writing a little grant application. Or planning out possible floor plans for a potential space expansion using graph paper and tiny bits of cut out post it notes.

Missouri loom set up for supplemental warp

Evenings I’m working on Christmas gifts so no photos of those. God forbid I should have time to actually weave. Or work on the written part of that COE application. Although I did get my Missouri loom set up for a 3-day workshop on supplemental warps that I’m taking Friday through Sunday. Not loving that it’s 3 days, but I’m sure I’ll learn a lot.

What are you up to?

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