
Unintended design elements

green lace diamonds

I finished that warp of 3 scarves shown recently on the loom.  I used an undyed ring-spun bamboo warp and 3 colors for weft.  Above is my favorite, an olive tencel.

I had wanted to keep the scarves all bamboo, but don’t have much in my stash (and am not buying more yarns, remember?), so first tried with a bit of hand painted bamboo left over from a project.

ocean waves lace diamonds

IMHO the variation in the weft detracts from the lace pattern.

It’s unusual that I re-thread the loom in the middle of a run of three scarves, but I decided to here.  The threading and treadling were things I had adapted from a draft in Strickler’s 8-Shaft Patterns book (#625).  I was proud of myself for figuring out to to change the draft to a skeleton tie up, since Strickler showed it with 12 treadles and I only have 10.  With a skeleton tie up you have to step on two (or more) treadles at once for each pick.  Anyway, after 2 of these lace diamonds I wanted to thread and treadle for the original, which was more triangles or steps of light and dark lace.  For this one I chose a sienna tencel weft.

brown lace stepsThis scarf has some unintended ‘design elements.’  I saw the first when I was already half way through the weaving.  I had left out a 6-unit treadling sequence! 🙁  Here’s a close up.

lace steps right and wrong

The red arrow shows how I’d been doing it wrong, having a maximum of 4 units of white lace showing.  The black arrow shows how I should have been treadling, working up to 5 units of white lace showing.

Once I discovered my error I thought about it for a while.  No way was I going to unweave almost 40″, and I didn’t have enough length on the loom to simply start again.  I decided that I didn’t think it would impact on the fabric’s stability, and since I had been entirely consistent, I’d keep weaving it ‘wrong.’

The second unintended ‘design element’ was that the sienna tencel bled into the bamboo fringe a bit.  I’m calling it an ombre effect.  🙂

Marlene asked me how I threaded the loom for my green & white scarf, so I’m providing photos of the two different threadings here. If anyone would like a wif file (for weaving software), let me know and I’ll email you directly.

lace arrows draft

lace steps draftOn the rodent front, this morning I poured about a pint of white vinegar down the hole, with no noticeable impact.  Tonight I’ll do the rest of the quart.  Next I’ll probably try buying moth balls and putting them in the hole.  I really don’t want to use poison, because it’s passed on to whatever prey animal(s) end up with a poisoned carcass.  Trapping?  Possible, but I’d sure hate to catch a neighborhood pet in a rat trap.  Hav-A-Heart trap?  I don’t know, but I’d have to buy/borrow one.  If I believed it was bunnies, chipmunks, or even squirrels I’d just look the other way.  But I can’t bring myself to do that if it’s a rat, possum, groundhog, or skunk.  (I highly doubt the last as there’s no ‘perfume’ around.)  Your ideas on convincing the critter to move on?




7 comments to Unintended design elements

  • Barbara Moore

    I would really love the files for the lace scarves you derived from Strickler #625 in what appears to be June 2016. Also, I am trying to subscribe. When I click the post comment on your website, an HTML window opens with a good deal of information.

    My email is posted with this message

    Keep inspiring me.


    • Peg Cherre

      I’m emailing you a wif of that draft, Barbara. I’m not sure where you’re getting the odd information, or I’d at least attempt to fix it. I don’t believe you can ‘subscribe’ to my blog, but you can check it any time you want. I usually post about once a week. You can sign up for one of my newsletters here.

  • Tobie

    I just purchased some bamboo for the first time and am looking forward to using it.
    Do you know if it dyes well?

    I love this draft and would love a wif of it.
    Thanks so much.

    • Peg Cherre

      I don’t know about dyeing bamboo, Tobie. I’ve not had much dyeing experience, and haven’t tried dyeing bamboo. I’ve successfully dyed rayon, and would think it would be similar, which wasn’t a problem. I’ll send those wif files to you via email.

  • Interesting drafts and such pretty scarves. I think my favorite is the sienna one with it’s unintended design element. As to your little unknown burrower, maybe just flood the hole with the hose for a while, or get some stinky predator urine. I would avoid moth balls at all costs. Those pesticides will leech into the soil, killing good and bad alike. Do they still allow them? We’ve done hav-a-hart traps to good effect right down to mouse size. Might be a good investment over the long haul. I would rather do kill traps if you think it is rats than poison since once in the environment you have no control over what it kills. Many an owl and hawk (all good rodent hunters) have been killed due to poisoned prey. No possibility it is a snake of some variety? If not poisonous it can do a world of good in your garden.

    • Peg Cherre

      You are entirely welcome, Marlene. Happy to share drafts.

      Theresa – Thanks for your usual informative response. I hadn’t considered that about the moth balls, but I’m sure you’re correct. I did realize that I have no way of knowing if any of my efforts have any effect, so I’ve now placed 2 long bits of mulch over the hole. No one can go in or out without moving them, so I’ll know if it’s active. I hadn’t considered a snake…that would be welcome. Except I think this hole is way too wide for any native snakes…maybe a boa constrictor 😉 I will consider investing in a hav-a-heart.

  • marlene toerien

    thank you!

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