
Update x 3

The calendar said April but it was still winter outside.

winter in April

Inside the studio, it was all spring. The colors of these wraps are so positive and cheerful.

LV & AT's wraps

LV received her wrap on Wednesday, and immediately did a tandem wrap with her daughter and a friend!

LV tandem wrap

On another front entirely, I completed my second weaving sample for the COE. This one required five different patterns of light and dark threads, with each pattern woven square.

COE sample #22

All I can say is trust me, weaving patterns square is SO not my strength. I had to weave the first sample, five twill patterns, 3 times to get it right. The second sample required 2.5 weavings. Maybe next time I’ll get down to only twice? For these required samples my goal is to use up stash and meet the requirements; pretty is not an issue. The first sample (below) is mercerized 5/2 cotton, the second (above) is Bambu 7.

COE #21

Next update is Jack. I guess that we took too much advantage of the spring days that we did have. Last night the poor little guy was limping badly. I’d been giving him a baby aspirin every morning for a few weeks since I saw him limp a little. It clearly wasn’t enough, and I clearly wasn’t reducing his walks enough. So this morning I gave him a dose of his prescription pain relievers, and called the vet for a refill. I’m also making each of his 3 daily walks short – just once around the block. I can make my solo morning walk longer to make up for Jack’s shorter morning walk, but haven’t exactly figured out what I’ll do on the mid-day walk when I’m also missing length. (Our nighttime walk has always been short.) I’m taking Reiki training on Saturday. My primary goal is to help Jack; I’m crossing my fingers on this.

10 comments to Update x 3

  • […] am HAPPY! The first time I wove a sample I had to weave it three times to make it acceptable. The second time I had to weave […]

  • Ot maybe a Jack Wrappit……

  • Well maybe you should weave one to keep. A Jack Wrap! 😉 Who knows it could be a whole new line. Like you aren’t busy enough!

  • Alma

    If only they spoke English or we spoke Dog . . .

  • Alma

    The weaving is good to me, Peg. I really like the multi-colors, but only a little better than the red, which I like a LOT!

    Poor Jack-a-lacka!

    These cold then warm then cold again days are tough on lots of arthritic joints. Maybe that’s what’s getting him down?

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Alma. Actually, I don’t think the weather has an impact on Jack’s joints. At least that’s not the major problem. In the vein of hindsight is always 20/20, it was a few weeks ago that he started hiding under the loom when I got the leash out for our mid-day walk. But did I get the hint? Unfortunately not.

  • I’ve had a more than a few dogs ( all small) love being carried in a baby wrap….Peter use to do all his outings in public in one since he did a lot of volunteer work for the shelter he was adopted from. And you have the wraps! Maybe when he gets tired complete your walk with him riding in a wrap. Oh and mine was no where near as pretty as yours. Denim with a big ugly plastic white ring and not very ergonomic either!

    I think your samples look great and the newest wraps just shout out spring even if it don’t look like it outside.

    • Peg Cherre

      That’s not a bad idea, Theresa…if I ever kept any of the wraps I wove, or if Jack would tell me when he got tired. I haven’t yet learned to speak dog, and Jack’s a very stoic, quiet little guy. Things have to get bad enough for him to be limping for me to notice, unfortunately. I do plan to try to remember that he just can’t walk long distance and to pace myself with him, and leave him home when I want to do long walks.

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