
Spring Studio

I’ve been busy making my studio look like springtime, thanks to LV & AT.

LV bout 1

As planned, on Thursday I started winding the warp for their custom baby wraps.

LV bout 2

The colors, going from rose pale to jaune pale, then to vert pale, bleu pale and lilas, are so like Easter eggs.

LV bout 3

Very fitting, since tomorrow is Easter. If you look at the far right side of the images you can watch the progress as I set up the warping valet and put each bout on the lease sticks.

LV bout 4

I got all 4 bouts wound on Thursday. Then yesterday I beamed the warp.

beaming LV

And even got the heddles and reed threaded before I called it quits for the day…at around 8PM.

LV reed threaded

I have learned through experience that the best way to do things on my Macomber and with my body, is to sit in a regular folding chair to thread the heddles and to stand to thread the reed. With wide warps I also stand to tie onto the front apron. These put my in the best body positioning and things move along without pain.

I can only hope that this warp will behave as sweetly as its colors through the weaving process. Time will tell. With some other commitments this morning, I should be able to do the tie on and start weaving later today.

5 comments to Spring Studio

  • Alma

    The weaving language, of course! I can fake my way through French words now and then. Two foreign languages? The two I meant are you and Theresa!


  • Alma

    I just love it when you two speak foreign languages!!

    Anyway, springtime is, indeed, the theme of this weaving project. The colors are good, but the yellow makes them great!!

    • Peg Cherre

      Um, 2 foreign languages, Alma? Just French for the color names, since that’s what Maurice Brassard, a French Canadian company, calls them. Or do you mean the weaving language?

  • Oh yes, such spring /Easter colors! The bunny would be delighted to be in your studio!
    How do you raise and lower the valet? I have a beam in my studio that is just calling out to support a warping valet. It would be easy enough to reposition each loom in there to make use of it. If you have featured your set up already and I stupidly missed it, let me know the link please!
    Have a wonderful Easter!

    • Peg Cherre

      I don’t know if I featured that part of my valet, Theresa. I have two eye hooks in the ceiling, 2 eye hooks on the (1″?) dowel that’s my valet, and chain and S hooks connecting them. I can’t move the Macomber, so I have another set of eye hooks by the counterbalance, and just move the S hook/chain/dowel as needed. Easy peasy.

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