
Some I love, some I hate

Among my indoor accomplishments yesterday I finished measuring all the yarn for CT & TS’s baby wraps. Isn’t this section to die for? I just love these colors, especially when they’re together.

watery threads

I also took photos of the six finished scarves made from my painted warps. Once again I took well over 45 pictures to get six that worked. I tried them on the mannequin, on the loom, and hanging. The only thing that worked well was on the floor of the weaving studio.

So first the bad ones. These are the scarves with the rayon warp. I loved the warp in the dye studio, and wound as a chain, but it didn’t work on the loom. I’d made the transitions between colors too far apart and the colors too similar. Then I used the undulating twill threading. First up is the first one I wove, with a rayon weft, sett at 21 ends per inch. That purple section looks like a bruise. And I don’t think the weave structure is stable enough to function well, even after wet finishing.

rayon waves, darker

Then I tried a lighter weft. REALLY bad!

rayon waves, lighter

As I planned to, I resleyed for 24 ends per inch for the last scarf, and used a cotton weft. I think this scarf is stable enough, but I really hate it.

rayon waves with cotton

Now for the good news. I love, love, LOVE the silk hand painted warp! I used shorter transitions and more change in the colors. This was actually the last warp I dyed, using colors left over from other dyers. Not my usual colors at all, but I’m so happy with them. This is a 30/2 silk sett at 36 ends per inch, threaded in a simple 3/1 vs. 1/3 twill. For the first scarf I used a rust 20/2 silk. I really like the treadling pattern in this scarf the best.

autumn silk with rust

Next I used a 30/2 lilac cashmere-silk blend. (Actually, it’s 20/2 on the ends and 30/2 for the rest of the scarf.) The weight and hand is scrumptious. This is absolutely my favorite color combination. I have to say I don’t think I would have even considered using a lilac weft if I hadn’t taken the color workshop.

autumn silk with lilac

Last up is another 30/2 cashmere silk blend, this time in burgundy. Again I love the way it feels, and like the looks, too.

autumn silk with burgundy

Now that I know more about how to achieve the results I want, I am definitely planning to take the dye workshop when it’s offered again in April. I’m trying to get my sister the quilter to take it with me.

2 comments to Some I love, some I hate

  • So interesting to see how you respond to the various colors and setup. I am unable to even see the lilac–and that’s my favorite color !~! All your scarves are beautiful; I can’t imagine not loving each one.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks for your comment, Lynda. The lilac weft basically softens the warp colors, while the rust and burgundy bring out the brightness.

      And I love blues, but not in these scarves. 🙁

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