
It’s not easy

Taking good photos of my finished work is not easy for me. I spent a long time, took almost 50 photos of five finished scarves, and ended up with five shots that are passable, but not great. I tried various props, lighting, and layouts. I tried with hanging and laying flat. Nothing wonderful happened….sigh. This is exactly why I have a professional photographer take my photos for jurying!

Anyway, for moderately successful amateur photographs of my last weaving, here goes, in order woven.

Black & white point twill shadow weave.
tencel scarf-black & white shadow twill

Brown silk with embedded sequins.
brown silk scarf with embedded sequins

Hunter tencel with light green tencel spots.
tencel scarf-hunter and light green

Hunter with azure tencel spots. I thought this would be my favorite of the three, but it’s actually the two greens above.
tencel scarf-hunter with azure spots

Hunter with several colors of tencel spots.
tencel scarf-hunter and multi-colored spots

Cherry and spice tencel ‘clasped blocks.’
tencel scarf-red blocks

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