
Wrapping it up

Today I mailed the wraps to ZN & NZ.

ZN & NZ's wraps

From left to right, it’s navy tencel flowers, black cotton hearts, and black tencel hearts.

Since getting them off the loom, in addition to doing all the finish work, I’ve done the usual things like mowing the lawn, washing the dishes, yadda yadda yadda. Plus refilling that monster hole from the septic inspection (thankfully with help from my neighbor).

The way I approach big tasks is to break them down into bite-sized pieces. So for packing for the move, my method is pack at least 2-3 boxes a day. That way by the end of the month I’ll be mostly packed with a minimum of pain. I’ve got the upstairs done and most of the basement, plus some work on my main floor. I’m happy with the progress I’m making. Several friends, as well as family, have offered to help, but I’ve declined. If someone else packs those boxes, I won’t know what’s in which box. More importantly, as part of the packing process only I can decide what gets moved with me, what gets thrown out, what gets given to someone I know, and what gets donated to agencies.

Anyway, today I measured the warp for my next batch of baby wraps. This will be the last baby wrap warp done in Friendship. So I was really happy to be able to move my warping mill out onto the porch and wind all four bouts outside.

I only remembered to take a photo of one bout…it happened to be the 3rd one. The colors here are olive and limette pale.

RD bout 3

Tomorrow I’ll beam and start threading…plus finish packing & organizing the basement, and maybe another box or 2 on this floor.

4 comments to Wrapping it up

  • Peg Cherre

    It’s not a hero thing, Alma. As I mentioned, only I can decide what to keep, toss, and give away, and it has to be done as boxes are packed (or not). Doing just a few a day is completely reasonable.

    Did you decline the job I gave you? 😉

  • Alma

    Mmmm – Greens – how nice!

    Please don’t be a total hero with the packing – let us know when we can help!

  • Beautiful wraps. Love the way you’ve made the packing seem like it was no big deal. You’re doing such amazing and pretty baby wraps, I love each one.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Lynda. I enjoy working with moms around the globe to design something that makes their hearts sing.

      And packing really isn’t bad if taken in small doses. At least it’s been pretty easy so far. 🙂

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