
The old & the new

I am fried. Toast. Dog tired. Another day with only virtually no weaving. Why? Continuing to work my butt off with my contractor to finish things up for the showing tomorrow. I promised you photos, and here they are, comparing the old and the new.

First, the upstairs hallway. OLD: pressed board flooring that’s been in place for 3 decades, no trim. Ugly, dirty. NEW: laminate flooring, molding. Bright, clean, attractive.

hallway comparison

Next up – the room that was the playroom turned storage room turned office. OLD: rough cut floor boards, not even sub floor, rough cut lumber around the window (which isn’t in this photo). A real eyesore. NEW: laminate flooring, molding, trim around the window. Bright & ready for a home office.

office comparison

From dark & outdated to bright & clean. OLD: sponge painted walls in dark colors, unattractive from the day I did it. NEW: light blue walls that are bright & add a watery look to the bathroom.

bathroom comparison

Less impressive but still important, a small bit of electrical work. OLD: outlet that is chipped & looks scary to someone who hasn’t used it for 35 years. NEW: a professionally installed box mounted to my chimney.

outlet comparison

Final inside shot: I forgot to take a before picture, but I’ll tell you that until this morning this area was covered with a combination of a stained, old piece of unfinished plywood, a piece of laminated plywood, and, believe it or not, a piece of corrugated cardboard. I still need to finish that angle cut in the front, but I can’t get it done by tomorrow — I need to find the right material.

new counter

And outside – here you can see the difference between where the new opaque stain was applied on the right and where it hasn’t yet been done on the left. It’s so bright & clean!

unpainted vs. painted wall

The back wall of my house was never painted. It used to be an inside wall when I had a (really poor) greenhouse there. Now it’s painted with the same opaque stain as the rest of the house. I took this photo before we installed the painted trim around this window — it’s a dark red, just like all the rest of my trim. I have one wall that’s not yet painted, but it’s obvious that we’re in process, what with ladders, paint, etc.

back wall comparison

Are there still plenty of things that aren’t trimmed out and won’t be? Yep. But that’s why my asking price is so reasonable.

If the potential buyer who’s looking at my house tomorrow isn’t impressed, well, he’s just not my buyer. But someone will be, I’m sure.

6 comments to The old & the new

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, everyone. My looker today was here for about 75 minutes, so hopefully that’s a good sign. With the holiday weekend, I likely won’t have a report for a few days.

    Do keep those fingers crossed, even though it’s hard to grill your chicken like that.

  • Judy T

    Awesome… awesome… awesome Peg!!! It looks fabulous! I know that all the work you’ve put into the place will pay off to catch the right buyer’s eye! Maybe your realtor wants to contact some of the original lookers and see if they want a return look…

    Keeping my fingers crossed for a quick offer… as in today maybe. : )

  • Alma

    BTW – I don’t remember the octagonal window, and I’m sorry I don’t. It’s a REAL stunner!

  • Alma

    Oh, my goodness – – have you EVER been busy. I know you want to get to your weaving, but what you’ve been involved in has had beAUTIful results. Your house looks terrific – as Amanda says, almost unrecognizable. It was a good house before, but it looks as if you’ve created a magazine worthy masterpiece. Congratulations, and best of luck with your lookers!!!

  • Anne Romance

    Fantastic, Peg. Amazing what several fix-ups can do to the whole feel of the place. This certainly was a good decision and investment. Here’s hoping…

  • Amanda

    WOW! I don’t recognize many a corner of that place. You and your crew have been doing quite the makeover project!

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