
Mimosa memories

JK inspiration photo

My only experience with mimosas is the drink made from orange juice & champagne. In other parts of the world mimosas are beautiful wildflowers like the above photo. Similar to native plants in many places, mimosas are apparently disappearing from the wild. So JK wanted to capture one of the joys of her childhood – touching the leaves of the sensitive mimosa plant and watching them react to her gentle fingers – in her custom baby wrap.

From the above inspiration photo we developed a warp with 6 colors: pine, nile green, white, dark pink, fuschia, and pale pink. From the computer draft it turned into 4 bouts of chained warps, shown here in their boxes ready for beaming.

JK's warp in boxes

It’s been slow going, weaving these days. I’ve been working with my contractor to make improvements to the house in hopes of making it more attractive to potential buyers. Plus lawn mowing, weed wacking, vacuuming, cooking, laundry…it doesn’t leave enough time for weaving. Or much of anything else. I’ll share some more photos of our progress next time.

I was happy that today I was able to spread and beam the warp.

JK on back beam

I’m not sure how quickly I’ll be able to get the threaded and ready to weave. JK and her wrap sister, QW, are being very patient. But then, what option do they have but to be so?

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