
All rolled up

JK & QW's wraps, rolled

As planned, today I got JK & QW’s wraps pressed & labelled. I sent out the PayPal invoices and received my payment immediately. So I went to package the wraps for mailing.

Uh oh. I’m out of bags for my baby wraps. Fortunately I had already washed a bunch of pillowcases, but I had to cut & sew them. I still have to thread my ribbon through & tag the bags, then I’ll get these wraps in tomorrow’s mail.

I have to say, without the closeup, I’d pick the burgundy weft every time. The color richness it brings draws me in.

After I made a really delicious vegetarian eggplant moussaka for dinner, I started winding the warp for JJ & NB – but didn’t manage to get pix while it was on the warping mill. I won’t have time to work on it again till late Saturday or Sunday, so they’ll have to wait for their pictures.

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