
I’d forgotten

It’s been so long since I’ve woven lace, I’d forgotten just how much I like this weaving. Especially as scarves — they thread quickly, treadle easily, and the weaving just goes so fast! Plus I’m back on my sweet little counterbalance loom.

cotton & rayon lace

I used a variegated cotton warp and solid-colored rayon wefts, 2 in blue and one in green. Instead of fringing these I’m going to sew them into infinity scarves. In my mind I’m going to make several more infinities in other colors & designs. I hope I get them done before the show season starts.

I ended up with only 2 scarves out of that last warp. I started the second in the same tie up & treadling as the first, but a brighter blue. The weft was a bit heavier yarn (5/2 instead of 8/2) which didn’t work so well with the pattern, but the killer was the selvedges. I could NOT get them to look decent no matter what I tried. So I stopped. Again figured it was better to waste thread than time.

wavy selvedges

So I changed the tie up and treadling pattern and wove the next scarf in a pattern I do really like. Should have done this from the beginning. What an amazing difference between these two scarves, beyond the colors!

two very different scarves

The yarn for the next batch of wraps arrived, so tomorrow I’ll start measuring that warp.

Meanwhile, I’m making a few improvements to my home to try and get it sold quickly. On Friday men came and put a whole lot of stone on my driveway, which had been washing out for a few years. It needs a few good rains to help settle it in, but it makes a much better first impression for a potential buyer. I’m hoping I can get other men here in the next week or so to do the other things I have in mind. Sometimes scheduling is hard.

dumping stone

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