
Visiting with friends…and the loom

My out-of-town friends arrived Thursday afternoon as planned. They live in West-by-God Virginia, so I don’t get to see them all that often. We had a wonderful visit on Thursday, with a delicious 3-course, healthy dinner: baked eggplant parmesan, lentil salad, and ‘cheesy’ cauliflower with no cheese. The first 2 were great, the 3rd was my first attempt at this and could definitely be improved on for the next time, but we ate some anyway. And my little dog definitely likes it. Go figure!

We stayed up late chatting and laughing, enjoying each other’s company. That meant getting up late on Friday. We followed a simple breakfast with a nice 3-mile walk. Although it was chilly, it wasn’t too cold to enjoy the outdoors.

They left by lunch time and I got some weaving done that afternoon. Today I was at the loom most of the day and got ML’s 4.6M wrap woven – navy cotton with those lovely purples. The weaving went really smoothly. No broken warp threads, no twisted threads, no glitches of any kind.

M's navy hearts

Tomorrow I’ll start weaving MM’s.

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