
Not Fast

weaving ML to MM

Usually when I’m weaving slowly it’s because there’s a problem at the loom – twisted threads, broken threads, treadles jumping out of their tie up, whatever. Or because I have other obligations – fund raisers, visits with friends & family, getting groceries, etc.

This time it’s because I have a head cold. I’m taking all sorts of stuff – Umcka, elderberry, vitamin C, zinc, Get Well herbal tea, aspirin, echinacea, neti pot. Slathering my neck with Mentholatum at night. I’m confident that I feel better than I would if I wasn’t doing all that stuff. Still, I’m mostly just tired. Wrung out. Lying down a few times a day but not able to sleep when I do.

So I’m spending less time at the loom and throwing the shuttle more slowly than usual when I’m there. Still, I am making progress on MM’s wrap. I’m about 2/3 of the way through it. Maybe I’ll finish today. Maybe not until tomorrow. Either way, the end is in sight.

MM's wrap on the cloth beam

4 comments to Not Fast

  • WL

    Oh dear… Sorry to hear that 🙁
    Tale good care!

  • Judy T

    Yuck Peg – sorry you’re “under the weather”, especially on such a BEAUTIFUl Spring day. The snow drops are blooming today, the daffodils have popped up several inches and the hyacinths are almost ready to bloom.
    We’re back home now.. had a wonderful time.. and hope you had a wonderful time with AR.
    I do have a good recipe for non-cheesy vegan cheese (and rice macaroni) from Lynn if you ever want it.
    Take care & feel better soon.

  • Peg Cherre

    Not so fast. I’ve moved through sore throat to really tired to little voice to now—I’ve become a mouth breather my nose is so stuffy, and my upper lip is raw from all the nose blowing.

    Still, I’m sure all my healing activity is helping.

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