
Making up time

On Thursday I finished weaving PW’s wrap and started on JJ’s, as planned. Here the weft is switching from black tencel to royal blue cotton.

PW to JJ's wraps

I got about 40″ of JJ’s woven on Thursday. A similar amount woven on Friday morning but then no weaving for the rest of the day. I apparently pinched or pulled something in my back on Thursday while shoveling, even though I didn’t feel it at the time, and was quite uncomfortable by mid-morning on Friday. I knew that if I sat at my loom I’d only make matters worse.

So I spent the few hours it always takes to do all the paperwork and calculations needed to order the yarn for the next 2 baby wrap warps. Then I knit for a while, but mostly vegged out.

This morning my back felt pretty good so I figured I’d try the loom. I wove for a while and went for a walk. Still felt pretty good, so back to the loom. By 6:30 I’d woven 160″, finishing JJ’s wrap, too!

JJ's wrap woven

Tomorrow I’ll cut them off the loom, hem them, & toss them in the washer & dryer. If time allows, I’ll wind a warp for my summer shows – I have a shawl or scarf in mind – not sure which I’ll end up with. I’ll do some planning on my weaving software tonight and see which ‘seems’ to work, then I’ll have to see if the real thing works like the computer mockup.

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