
2 more wraps out

JJ & PW's completed wraps

Here’s the finished wraps, all ready for mailing, for JJ & PW. J’s is a royal blue cotton weft, and P’s a black tencel weft. They both turned out well. I got them mailed on Monday & my moms, both in California, should have them in their hands today.

Meanwhile I am frustrated. I got a warp on my counterbalance loom for a few shawls. It’s not perfect, and I wanted to show you what it is now and how I plan to fix it. Unfortunately, my camera is acting up. It’s been cranky for a while, not always flashing for reasons unknown to me, but I could usually cajole the flash into working. I’ve now tried all my tricks many times to no avail. So no picture. I’d rather not buy a new camera, but what are my options? I guess I’ll try googling it.

But now I have to go walk the dog.

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