
Toy Magic

After finishing the mouse family I knit this cute snowman – about 6″ to the top of his pom pom.

knitted snowman

And this tree, just a bit shorter.

knitted tree

What’s this?

tree inside snowman

The tree’s inside the snowman?

Yep. Knitted together, one comprehensive piece.

snowman and tree

Great concept! This is just one of several toys in this book.

Topsy Turvy book

I found the directions clear and easy to follow. The toys — at least the ones I made — were cleverly designed. I think I stuffed my snowman’s head a bit too much so the top of the tree’s a little flat, but hey, it’s a toy, not a work of art.

The designer and author – Susan Anderson – has written other knitting books for kids, too. If there’s a little one in your life, I suggest checking them out. She also has other patterns for big people.

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