
Longer than usual

ML & JJ's warp, bout 1

I’ve started working on the next warp for baby wraps. This warp, for ML & JJ, needs to be longer than usual. That means I have to go around my warping mill more times to get enough length. In order to do that, I have to wind fewer threads in each bout. So instead of 4 bouts of about 190 threads each, I had to wind 6 bouts of about 120 threads each. I didn’t get photos of all 6 bouts.

ML & JJ's warp, bout 2

So I made it a point to get a shot of the entire width of the warp after I got the heddles threaded.

ML & JJ's warp, threaded

2 comments to Longer than usual

  • Laura

    Nice. If you are having dreary days like we are, the colours are sure to be a shot in the arm. 🙂

    • Peg Cherre

      One of the great things about weaving baby wraps is working with all the color. Sometimes in combinations I would not have chosen myself, so I get to watch color interactions that I wouldn’t likely see otherwise.

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