
Racking them up

HR's baby wrap on loom

I’m making progress on HR’s custom baby wrap. Just not as much as I’d planned. I’ve only gotten about 80″ woven in 2 days. Despite working really hard.

Just not at weaving.

My firewood guy showed up yesterday morning. Strike while the iron is hot, especially since the cold weather is just around the corner. Before we started Friday morning my basement looked like this:

By my steps there was I short row of firewood 7′ long & 5′ high plus a tiny bit of the next row.
1 short stack of firewood

Turn around and you’d have seen one long row of firewood 12′ long and 7.5′ high plus the start of the next row.

1 long stack of firewood

By this afternoon the short row turned into 3 short rows.
3 short rows of firewood

The long row turned into 2 long rows plus the start of two more (you can only see 1 in the photo), plus a small pile of long pieces that disrupt stacking.

3 lont rows of firewood

I went from 4 cord of firewood stacked in the basement to almost 10. I don’t wield a chain saw or own a splitter, and I don’t lift huge pieces of wood. But I do help hold wood on the splitter, toss every piece down the ramp into the basement, and stack every piece. That’s A LOT of manual labor in the past 2 days. My arms feel sort of like jello, so I can’t weave for hours, even when I’m done stacking for the day.

I’ll have a firewood break of at least 2 days now, so I should be able to get a bunch of weaving done in the interim. Then probably 3 more cord of wood to the basement and another 7-8 stacked outside. I’m hoping one of the neighborhood kids will want to do the outside stacking after school for $$. It will be SO worth it to me!

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