
Working Hard


A few years ago my sister gave me this mug. In fact, she had it made special just for me.

In case you can’t read what it says, here’s a close up.

mug, close up

That’s what my life is like at the moment.

I got the 3 silk shawls woven and I now have the 2 huckish shawls on the loom. The silks need to be fringed, washed & pressed, and the same will be true of the cotton & rayons, but at least I can do that while I sit in my comfy chair.

But there’s no housework, yard work, or much of anything else going on.

Actually, as soon as my neighbor gets his chain saw fixed, I’ll be stacking some firewood. I have to be honest, I’m sort of glad it broke after his first 2 cuts yesterday.

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