
Showing more shawls

I got the 5 shawls fringed, wet finished, pressed & labelled, ready for the show this weekend. If this show goes like my last 2, I’ll return home with fewer shawls than I left with, so here’s what may be your only view of them.

In order of weaving….first up is a silk shawl in a rather traditional snowflake twill. The warp for all 3 silk shawls is a natural, undyed silk; for this one I used a warm, light brown weft.
latte silk snowflakes shawl

Then, as planned, I changed the treadling and used a twilight blue silk weft. I definitely prefer this treadling pattern, although I think I’ll change the threading before I use a snowflake again.
twilight silk snowflakes shawl

Finally, I used a 50-50 blend of cashmere & silk in a lovely, light lilac. Here it is in close up to show off the pattern — the same modified treadling as the twilight shawl. This is the first time I’ve used that cashmere-silk as weft only, and it won’t be the last. I really like it.
closeup of lilac silk & cashmere snowflakes shawl

Next, as planned, I put on a cotton warp similar to my huckish shawls of a few years ago. I intended to make the warp a few inches wider, but miscalculated and ran out of the orange cotton. Here it is with a dark coral weft.
coral sunset shawl

And here it is with a cherry red rayon weft. I have to say this is the photo with the least realistic color. Tried several times.
red sunset shawl

Then I did get the MY-JM baby wrap threaded through heddles and reed. I couldn’t go any farther because I had to spend TWO HOURS messing with my rigid heddle loom to prepare it. I’d put on a warp that was nothing but problems, for a variety of reasons that I caused myself, but I really liked it and wanted to use it. So I unwound from the back beam and on to the cloth beam, messing with tangles the entire length. Retied on the back beam and re-wound. Unwove the 12 or so inches I’d already woven. Untied & retied on the cloth beam. I THINK it will go smoothly for my demo this weekend, but if not, it’s all gonna go in the trash.

7 comments to Showing more shawls

  • Your shawls and work are so beautiful! I have just ventured into the world of weaving (with a 15in rigid heddle loom), so I’m just learning and experimenting with yarns and patterns for now. I am encouraged by your last paragraph – because I just went through what you did – I wanted to use a yarn that I really liked for the warp, and stubbornly insisted to continue even after unwinding, unweaving, untying and rewinding four times.
    I hope that by the end of the year I can make shawls half as well as you do.

    • Peg Cherre

      Marissa – I weave on a rigid heddle loom when I’m demonstrating at shows. It took me some time to learn how the loom works, weaving very simple, single-color scarves, before I could get creative with color, hand-manipulated lace, yarn size, and more. Give yourself time to learn. And accept that everything is a learning experience, both your ‘successes’ and your ‘failures.’

  • Fascinating for one like me with little experience on a big loom to watch and read how your thought processes work.
    Getting to see the finished products is the icing on the cake for me. Many thanks for sharing; you are truly inspiring.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Lynda. I’d love to see your weaving, too. You might be surprised where inspiration is found. 🙂

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Judy & Alma. I definitely like the modified snowflakes pattern better, and I preferred the lilac and brown to the blue myself.

  • Alma

    I really thought I liked the brown the best, as I started looking at the page. Then I saw the lilac – stupendioso!!

    And the bright colors – how perfect for summer!

    good job, Miss Peg!

  • Judy T

    Your silks are always so beautiful…And twice as nice in person! Love them!

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