
Grandma & moms

I got to play full-time grandma on Thursday. We had fun – walked to the favorite breakfast place, walked to ‘the train store,’ walked to the playground. It was all fun until the little guy bumped his face on a slide at the playground. Then it was time to go home, get a snack, & take a nap.

After nap time we played with probably 5 pounds of bright-colored stones I found in a container at my house. It sort of looked like fish gravel, but not quite. I have absolutely no recollection of what we had it for, or of how many decades that plastic tub sat in the cupboard. Or an understanding of why, since the cupboard was outside, the plastic container hadn’t completely hardened & cracked. Anyway, I thought my grandson might like playing with it, and he did.

I came home and mowed part of the lawn till it started pouring. Finished it up this morning.

In between playing & mowing I finished weaving KM’s custom baby wrap.

I especially like the way the twilight silk warp looked against the navy cotton warp. I tried hard to capture it on film – ok, on pixels. I tried with the compact fluorescent light bulbs I usually use, and 3 different camera settings. I tried with Reveal incandescent light and 3 camera settings. I brought up my halogen floor lamp and tried 3 settings with that, too. None of them really worked for me. So KM’s just going to have to wait till it’s in her hands to see how great it looks.

KM's warp, left side

I found working with the 20/2 silk as weft to be really interesting. It’s certainly not the first time I’ve woven with silk, but it is the first time I did so using cotton warp.

KM's warp, right side

I can’t wait to get it off the loom and wet finish it. I’m really anxious to get the ‘hand’ – or feel – of this fabric. It felt just delicious working with it. Soft, smooth, and lightweight. Somehow the silk weft made the warp feel silky, too. Some kind of synergy, I’m sure. I think it’ll be well worth the fact that this wrap won’t be machine washable.

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