
Starting a New Baby Wrap

HR had some new-for-me requests for her baby wrap. First, she chose a weaving pattern no one had yet used – Xs & diamonds. Next, she wanted a space-dyed yarn (a type of variegation) for her weft. I was really eager to try this, having used space-dyed yarns successfully for years in my scarves, shawls, & baby blankets.

Then she wanted me to choose 3-4 different colors, anything the weaving muse inspired, to weave about an inch each at each of the tails. No restrictions on me at all. “Interesting,” I said. “How would I like it,” I wondered.

Well, it IS interesting and I DO like it!

Here’s the beginning – you can see the space dyed weft first – doesn’t show up well in this photo, then pale orange, turquoise, cerise, and royal blue.

starting HR's baby wrap

Next I’ll weave the body of the warp with that space-dyed cotton. Can’t wait to see how it looks!

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