
They’re off!

I shipped off the wraps today to E & A. They should arrive on Monday – yeah!

Here’s E’s:
E's handwoven baby wrap

And A’s:
A's handwoven baby wrap

On an unrelated note, I popped by Halcyonyarn this evening looking for a replacement rigid heddle. Their front page had this adorable image of these three felted dogs.
felted dogs

I think they’re stunning, and am so impressed by the talent that created them.

5 comments to They’re off!

  • Erika

    Absolutely stunning!

  • Perry

    Hi Peg,

    First, congratulations on getting funding for your community project. It’s going to be exciting getting the young kids weaving and creating and being part of a bigger project, That will really boost confidence in themselves.

    I really just stumbled on your blog. I have a 45 “ 4H loom that has been sitting empty over the last two years. I just haven’t been inspired to weave anything on it. I do have 2 smaller looms and I am busily, happily weaving kitchen towels on those looms, selling some at Christmas, and giving lots as presents also.
    I use 8/2 unmercerized cotton from Brassard. I never heard of baby wraps before. Well, guess what I’ll be weaving on that loom now. Baby wraps! It’s just going to be like weaving a wider and longer kitchen towel,..but with only two hems! instead of 10 hems for that 5yd wrap. You’ve inspired me. I love that you are weaving something so functional. And they are lovely wraps. Thank you for documenting your weaving progress and samples on your baby wraps. You’ve done half the work for me. Now, my turn to get on my loom and weave baby wraps. I’ll use my 12 dent reed, and follow your 24 epi (33epi at the selvedge). It’s only 4H, so I need to work on a pattern…and colors. I’ll also make notes and measure before and after the wash. Then..I’ll need to get a mom to test it for me!! and if that works okay…then this 45 “ loom will hopefully see more weaving.

    Thank you Peg.

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