
Twill Clasped Weft

I finally got some decent pictures of that cayenne baby wrap. Natural light is what it’s all about, for sure, especially with some colors and designs.

Here’s the wrap, showing both sides of it.
top & bottom of cayenne baby wrap

Again, I wove a different design on the ends. I’m less enthusiastic about these than I was about the zig zags on the green diamonds, but they’re okay.
end of baby wrap 'wrong' side

end of baby wrap 'right' side

Moving on, I mentioned that I wove two clasped weft scarves with a natural ecru baby alpaca weft. After I got the loom warped and wove a bit to look at things, I decided I liked the look of straight twill with the alpaca instead of tabby like the rayon chenille.

For the first scarf I paired the ecru with a periwinkle alpaca-silk weft, and clasped the weft at random points across the width of the scarf.

ecru periwinkle alpaca clasped weft scarf

Here’s a close up of it.
close up, alpaca & periwinkle clasped weft

I decided to actually braid the fringes of this scarf instead of my usual double twisting.
alpaca scarf fringe

After I’d woven this scarf I decided that I’d do another variation. This time I used a variegated unmercerized cotton. Using a point treadling, I created what I thought of as hills but my friend saw as trees. Either way, I’m happy with this scarf, too.
alpaca & cotton scarf

Here’s a close up of that one.
alpaca & cotton clasped weft close up

I’m off to those 8 harness silk shawls on the Macomber now.

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