
A Giveaway & More Handwoven Shawls

A few weeks ago I was doing something on my computer and realized that this very month, March of 2013, is five years since I began blogging. Wow! So I decided that I’d have a blogiversary giveaway this month. Everyone who leaves me a comment on any post this month will be entered into a random drawing. At the end of the month I’ll put all the names in a hat & pull one lucky winner for one of my handwoven towels. Even though I didn’t announce the giveaway till this post, I will go back and include names from earlier posts in the drawing. (Comment as often as you like, but just one entry per person.) In addition to the towels I wove in February, and one I have left from last year, I’ll be weaving more in the next few weeks, so you haven’t seen them all yet.

It didn’t take me too long to finish weaving the shawls I mentioned in my last post – in another of Tammy’s hand painted yarns called Frost. Then I fringed & wet finished.

This time I think the photo turned out well. Perhaps the key is the amount of natural light. Today was a bright, sunny day, with sunshine not falling directly on the shawl itself. If only I could always control the sunshine. 🙂 If we have sun, or at least brightness again tomorrow I think I’m going to try and re-shoot the Silver Linings shawls.

handwoven rayon chenille shawl, Frost

The sunshine yesterday & today was really wonderful after many days of gray skies. I had lovely walks with my dog instead of having to drag myself up the hill. I didn’t get any pictures, though. I’m really disappointed in my camera. It wants brand new batteries after taking about 3 photos. Same thing happened with my last camera & I ended up buying a new one. I think I’m going to try and find an AC cord for this one. UPDATE: In doing an online search for an AC cord I changed my mind and bought a set of 4 Eneloops batteries & a charger. They are reportedly the best. I’ll let you know what happens.

Leave me a comment and get entered into my towel giveaway!

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