
BAD Computer!

airport in the dark
See that amber/orange light on that white box? The box is my wireless router, the amber light is a visual signal that it’s not working. With help from the internet satellite guy and my daughter I’ve tried a variety of methods to reset its brain and get it functioning again. All to no avail.

So now, in order to get online, I have to carry my laptop to this cramped, crowded, uncomfortable corner and plug it directly into the satellite modem.
cramped space

Needless to say, it’s not someplace I want to spend a long time sitting. As a result I’m checking/responding to emails more slowly, blog posts get written first in Word & then copied/pasted, and surfing the web is pretty much out of the question.

Amazing how easily we become accustomed to our technology functioning exactly as we want it to. Yes, my laptop is still great. Yes, I can still connect to the rest of the world from home. Yes, I can bring my laptop elsewhere, like my local public library, and connect in a comfortable setting. Still………I’m whining internally several times a day because “It’s not as nice as it was!” Can you see my lower lip stick out and hear my toddler-aged foot stamping? I feel like a pouty child but haven’t managed to change my attitude about it all yet.

I’m hoping that today’s lovely, light snowfall will help change that. Plus, my stress level is declining daily with a multitude of ‘must do’s crossed of my list. The shows are over and all went well. My last weaving order will go in today’s mail. I’ll finish the Victorian Christmas ornament today and can mail that out in the next day or two. I’ve made the presents for my board of directors at Pfeiffer Nature Center – jam from blueberries I picked and froze this summer…

blueberry jam
…and miniature loaves of my Grandma Troiano’s date nut bread.

wrapped bread
(Ignore the mess – I never claimed to be a good housekeeper.)

Most of my gifts are purchased, I’ve begun decorating the house, and life is settling down. I will get over the inconvenience of getting on the ‘net – at least until I’ve resolved the problem with a new wireless router.

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