
Silk Lace Handwoven Scarves

Back in May I wove some lace ‘checkerboard’ scarves in bamboo. Although I called it huck at the time, it’s not really. It’s a Swedish lace. I’m certain that’s neither important nor meaningful to anyone but a weaver.

Anyway, I liked the way the scarves looked even if the checkerboard pattern only showed up if you caught the light just right. I only had three handwoven silk scarves for my July show, and since I had some lovely 20/2 undyed spun silk I decided I’d repeat that weaving pattern.

This time I remembered to snap a few pix while it was on the loom, since the checkerboard pattern shows up well while I’m weaving. Thank goodness, or I’m sure I’d make lots of treadling errors!
silk checkerboard scarf on the loom

Even here, the design isn’t as pronounced as I might like. So I enhanced the next picture to show the lines clearly.
silk checkerboard with lines

With the scarf wet finished & pressed, I think these silk scarves are elegant, even if the design is somewhat subtle.
handwoven silk lace checkerboard

Interestingly, although my July show was really wonderful, I didn’t sell any of these silk scarves. Nor did I sell my ice green silk lace. You just never know what people will buy. Or at least I don’t.

I’m sure not complaining — I sold 6 shawls and 47 scarves at that show!!!! So now I’m weaving like mad again. Fortunately, I left myself almost seven weeks between the July & August shows, so I’m not making myself crazy.

For you weavers, here’s the draft of the checkerboard lace if you’re interested.
checkerboard lace draft

4 comments to Silk Lace Handwoven Scarves

  • Don Downen

    I love your bamboo scarf, I might have to try your patteren out of some fine alpaca yarn that happen to pick up, thanks Don

  • Judy T

    Your eggshell bamboo scarf in this pattern that I bought at your recent show as a gift is really well-loved! Both Heather and John were sooooo impressed with the scarf… the fiber… the pattern… and your talent!

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