
I’m ready

waiting for Varpa
That room may not look impressive to you, but it does to me. Yes, there are still things in boxes around the edges, but that’s only because I don’t have any place to store them. Yet.

This is the room that I made jewelry in for more than a decade. I haven’t yet given it up totally, and still have thousands of beads and lots of other supplies. But today I transitioned what was first a dining room and second a jewelry studio in preparation for its third incarnation – a secondary weaving room. I’ve made all the necessary arrangements (agreed upon price with the seller, reserved a rental van, secured a place for my dog to go for the day) and will be picking up a new-to-me Varpapuu loom on Thursday.

So I had to totally clean off the table that had served as design and work area for jewelry and remove it. In the process I had to take pictures of some completed scarves so I could put them away (don’t get excited – several have to be re-shot), figure out what of the stuff on and under that table could and should be tossed out, and organize my first batch of beads and supplies for sale on CraigsList. I only listed stuff I haven’t used and haven’t wanted for years. For the last many years I worked pretty exclusively with semi-precious gemstones, and I listed only glass. And not high quality glass at that. We’ll see how it goes before I start doing more organizing and photographing of more of the jewelry supplies. But I will need to do that to clean off shelf space for more weaving supplies.

Away from that tediousness to the exciting part – that new Varpa loom! I currently do 90% of my weaving on my little counterbalance, the other 10% on my 8H Macomber. But as I’ve said before, that Macomber isn’t my cup of tea. It just never seemed right to me, never made me happy to weave on it. For some time I’ve thought I’d like a countermarche loom, since they are more similar in operation to my counterbalance than a jack loom like the Mac. So I’ve kept my eye on CraigsList and other sites for a loom I wanted at a price I was willing to pay. It took several months for this one to come up.

My plan is to get the Varpa set up, get comfortable with it, love it, and then sell the Mac. Not only will that get me back some space in my house (I had to move that dining room table out to my porch temporarily), but it will help pay for the Varpa.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that this is how it will work out.

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