
Season’s First Bouquet

We’ve had record-setting warm temperatures for over a week. On the one hand, the weather is so gorgeous it must be enjoyed.

On the other hand, it doesn’t bode well for the coming summer.

I’m doing my best to just enjoy each day and not think too much about the future.

Yesterday I brought in my first cut flowers from my garden.

lenten rose and lungwort bouquet
The tall flowers are hellebores, most commonly called either Christmas Rose or Lenten Rose. It’s not uncommon that these flowers will bloom with snow on the ground, so they’re not particularly early. I have three different colors – a deep dusty rose, a medium dusty rose, and a creamy white.

With nodding heads, it takes some effort to see into the open flowers, but it’s definitely worth it.

white lenten rose

pink lenten rose

The little flowers near the bottom of the pot are pulmonaria, commonly called lungwort. They do not last well as cut flowers, but their colors are so beautiful, I couldn’t help myself. These little flowers change from pink to blue as they open.


My favorite time in the garden is early spring. I love seeing little things stick their noses above ground, and my body isn’t yet worn out from all the work.

Your turn: what’s blooming near you?

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