
Behind Every Cloud

I’ve worked with Tammy’s Silver Linings colorway before. I’ve woven rayon chenille scarves, tencel scarves, and bamboo scarves with it. It’s always a hit with customers. When it became available in a bamboo-tencel blend, I had to give it a try.

The delicate colors of Silver Linings call out to me for handwoven lace. I like weaving huck, but I’m trying to remember that recent lesson – simple pictures are best. I think huck works better with solid colors than variegations, so I went back to an old standby pattern — Swedish lace borders.

I warped the loom up for 4 scarves this time instead of my usual 3, because these scarves are always popular. I used the same warp as weft for the first 3 scarves, and decided to try something different for the 4th. I used a fine, 10/2, pale blue cotton.

handwoven scarves, silver linings

The cotton weft gives the scarves more of a subtle striped appearance instead of the almost-plaid look of the variegated warp. I like it, and will definitely do it again. The bamboo-tencel warp is so soft, that even with a cotton weft this scarf still drapes and wraps nicely.

Despite my best efforts, both of these scarves look more gray in the picture than they do in real life. I’m never sure why sometimes it’s easy to get the colors right, and other times it’s impossible.

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