
Handpainted Yarn Arrives

A few weeks ago I ordered many skeins of Tammy’s hand painted yarn so I could weave lots of spring and summer weight scarves. Tammy did her usual marvelous job of dyeing a range of fibers to my specs.

I spent a few hours winding 1/2 of the skeins into balls, an essential step so I could prepare warps. Here are the ones I’ve wound so far.
hand painted yarn

From bottom right, there’s Poinsettia, Magic Kingdom, Cayenne, Berries, and North Shore. There are solids in a few different colors to coordinate with those hand painted variegations. Fibers include 100% bamboo, a bamboo-tencel blend, a bamboo-cotton blend, and an 8/2 tencel.

I didn’t realize till the yarn arrived how much I’d relied on the red end of the spectrum as opposed to my usual blues & purples. I did want to get some more reds after having conversations with two of my customers in December, both of whom were after reds. But I didn’t need to get this much red, I don’t think. C’est la vie. I will remember to weave more blues & purples from my existing stash. I think I have quite a few fall colors left in my completed stock already.

Although I still have this much more yarn to wind into skeins, I can’t wait to get started weaving. I’ll wind more later.

Some weavers wonder why I pay a premium price for hand painted yarn instead of buying only machine-dyed. The answer: I just love them. And so do my customers. I get so many compliments on my colors, from buyers and lookers alike. They draw people into my booth, no matter where I go.

Your turn: in what parts of your life do you choose the high priced spread instead of the generic?

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