
How Lucky Am I?

My wonderful son spent the weekend with me. He’s kind, easy-going, fun, hard working, and quite talented. He designed and built that wonderful cone rack a few weeks ago.

This weekend I was almost out of firewood and we were in the middle of a late March cold snap. I was completely willing to turn on the oil furnace for the remainder of the season. Michael decided that he wasn’t happy with that, so instead he went outside and cut,
sawing wood

splitting wood

and carried some firewood into the house.
carrying wood

Enough to both get me through the remaining frigid temps and have a bit left in case we have a storm that knocks out the electricity.

Later in the day, while I was weaving, he offered to wind my hand painted skeins of yarn into balls for me.
winding yarn
I would have been happy if he’d wound the next color I was going to use – 8 skeins. Michael didn’t stop till he’d wound 27 skeins! So I’m a’weaving now!

Your turn: has someone gone above & beyond for you lately?

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