
2011 (Non) Resolutions

I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions years ago. Mostly because I figured if I had to wait till a specific day to decide to do something, I probably didn’t really want to do it, and it therefore probably wouldn’t really happen, so it was a setup for failure. At least for me it was.

One of the weaving blogs I read, Crazy As A Loom, is written by a wise, funny, caring woman. Hilary took what I think is a great approach to the whole thing. She doesn’t make Resolutions with a big R, but rather set herself a list of things she actually wanted to do, things that would enrich her life. So this year I decided to follow her lead.

In a non-prioritized order, here’s my list of 2011 Wannas.

nap1. Take off at least one half-day per week to spend exclusively on enjoyable pastimes. It might be reading a book, taking a walk, taking a nap, playing (not working) in my garden, or almost anything else that pleases me. After all, all work & no play makes Peg a dull woman.

2. Get more massages. This won’t be hard to do, since I only had 1 in 2010. I can easily double that! I know a few local massage therapists, and although they have very different styles, they both feel great. I also believe that massages can be very therapeutic.

3. Focus more on family & friends. Visit my daughter & her family more. Relish in the fact that my son is moving back to NYS after 9 years of living away, and visit him, too. Call both my sisters more often. Actually visit Margaret more — we do spend hours on the phone, but she only lives 10 minutes away. Catch up with old friends, explore new friends, build those relationships.

4. Go to at least 4 cultural events — theater, concerts, movies, and the like. I much prefer the myriad small-time opportunities that are local to the larger, more ‘professional’ possibilities in Buffalo or Rochester, so I just need to do it. I average 1-2 per year now, so this shouldn’t be too much of a stretch, and will be fun and entertaining.
blue overshot weaving
5. Explore new weaving techniques. I actually put the wheels for this in motion in late 2010. Not only am I going to MAFA this year, I’ve also joined a napkin exchange (more on this later) specifically for this purpose.

kholrabi6. Try one new food or new recipe per month. It’s easy for me to get into ruts, eating what’s quick, easy, and comfortable. But since I belong to Canticle Farm, a local CSA, I have plenty of opportunities to try veggies I’ve never used before. And I have recipe books with some really interesting sounding ideas I’ve never tried. Yum!

7. Get rid of the things that don’t fit. I don’t mean just those too-small clothes taking up closet & drawer space, and those things in the cupboards I know I’ll never use, but also those habits & behaviors that aren’t who I am anymore, or at least not who I want to be. Lose some more of that snarky, sarcastic teenager lurking inside. Toss the impatience, and anxiety. This will be the most difficult one on many levels, so I’ll have to really work at it, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it.

Your turn: how are you facing 2011?
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