
One More Mistake

Remember back in school when you were taking tests regularly? One of the aphorisms I was taught was “don’t erase.” Although my first answer wasn’t always the right one, there were many times when I erased my first answer and entered the wrong one.

This scarf is an example of that same principle.
handwoven wool scarf
When I first saw it in a Handwoven Magazine pattern book, I said to myself, “that scarf’s not for me.” Later, when I was looking through the book again, I said the same thing.

Months later I saw another photo of it in a Halcyon Yarn catalog, and said, “you know, maybe I would like that scarf.” I had some fine-gauge wool in my stash so I wound the warp, threaded the loom, and set off weaving. Finished weaving and wet finished it. Hate it.

Don’t like the look, don’t like the feel, don’t like the way the end virtually always came loose where I made the horizontal spaces, don’t like the fact that this scarf will not wear well. Definitely won’t add this scarf to my display for shows — won’t sell it. I will only sell work that I’m proud of, and this certainly does not meet that criteria.

As luck would have it, in a few weeks my Guild is having their annual fundraising auction. It’s very small, just Guild members buying each other’s stuff. But I’m bringing this scarf, and the rest of the yarn that made it. I’ve tried several patterns with this yarn, and have concluded that nothing will make me like the yarn. It’s scratchy and stiff, no matter what I do. I’m thinking that, despite the fact that the yarn is supposedly “fulling proof” (meaning that it won’t shrink and become thick like that favorite wool sweater your roommate accidently threw in the washer), some of my fellow Guild members who are experts at felting wool may want to try it. If no one wants to buy it, it’ll re-enter my stash, for who-knows-how long.

Your turn: does changing your answers often work for you, or do you find yourself wishing you’d stuck with your first reaction?

3 comments to One More Mistake

  • I’m sworn to secrecy so can’t say too much but watch your Handwoven magazine this coming spring 2011. The answer to this scarf’s problems will all be resolved.

    You may be inspired to try again!

    • Peg Cherre

      Gee, you’ve certainly aroused my curiosity. But not enough to keep the darned thing – I’m still taking it, and the extra yarn, to my Guild’s annual auction. If no one buys it, it’ll come home with me. Otherwise, sayonara, baby!

      I do, however, subscribe to Handwoven, and will watch for what you say will be coming.

  • Susan

    I have a thing for spaced warps and plain weave, even if this isn’t soft as you’d like for a scarf. It looks very pretty in your picture. Your question: sometimes my first idea is good, but usually it’s the 2nd or 3rd version when I really start to like it

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