
Studio Tour Is Here

I’m part of the Allegany Artisans, dozens of talented people who live and create here in Allegany County, NY. Every year we have a studio tour, when people open their homes and studios to visitors from far and wide. Here are a few shots of how this takes over my home.

handcrafted jewelry in the dining room

Handcrafted jewelry in the dining room

gemstones for dinner

gemstones for dinner?

handwoven scarves in the living room

handwoven scarves in the living room

handwovens take a seat

handwovens take a seat, and a table

handwoven scarves in the kitchen

the kitchen's not exempt from displays

I’ve set up my Macomber loom so visitors can try their hand at weaving a mug rug while they’re here. I’ll be working on rayon chenille scarves on my counterbalance loom.

Gotta run – the show starts in minutes!

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