
The Best Wedding Ever!

My lovely daughter Amanda and her sweetheart Ryan got married in May. It was the best wedding ever! (No, I’m not at all prejudiced. It’s true.)

They had a very simple, sometimes humorous, delightful ceremony at the zoo on Friday night.Amanda & Ryan get married

On Sunday they had a terrific, delicious, beautiful party in their backyard. Amanda & her brother Michael did all the cooking, with Amanda coming through with six flavors of terrific cupcakes, all of which disappeared in a heartbeat. Fortunately, someone (not me) had the foresight to make them do the traditional feed each other cake thing before we let the crowd mob the dessert tent.
eating wedding cake

I wish these two decades years of love, life, and laughter. They’re both wonderful people and deserve it.

This is an entry into Carmi’s photographic challenge of the week: kids. Join in the fun.

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