
Orange Marmalade

Using my leg-elevated-while-weaving setup, I was able to get some weaving done by working in short spurts.
bamboo handwoven scarf, orange marmalade

These scarves were handwoven from that beautiful hand painted yarn from Yarntopia Treasures. Although I got this marvelous color combination in both 100% bamboo and in Tencel, I chose to do the bamboo first. Why? Because it’s a little thicker than the Tencel, which translates into less time at the warping board, less time threading heddles and reed, and less time weaving. All of that was important to me in getting some weaving done while babying my knee.

I really like the many shades of orange, from a pale, true orange to a deep, salmony pink. These scarves are very bright and cheery.

On the right is a plain weave scarf using the variegated warp and weft. It has quite a pink cast to it. The other two scarves were woven on the same warp, but with a solid apricot weft. In the middle is a simple point twill, and on the left a diamond twill. Because they’re bamboo, all three are really soft and drape beautifully.

I don’t have these handwoven bamboo scarves up on my website yet, but I plan to do that soon.

Your turn: what’s brightening your life lately?

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