
November Contest, part 3

gemstone-and-copper-talismanOk, so it’s only 2 days till Turkey Day. I’ve asked you to tell me someone you’re grateful is in your life & a holiday tradition. Now that we’re down to the wire, here’s final part of the contest:
tell me about a funny Thanksgiving memory. Could be ha-ha funny or weird funny. Maybe you laughed till your stomach hurt, or had to squash that laughter to avoid offending someone. Maybe it happened when you were a child or just yesterday.

Why do I want a funny story? It’s hard to be miserable when you’re laughing. A smile on your face translates to a positive mental attitude, and it’s much easier to be grateful and compassionate when you’re happy.

If you don’t have a funny memory, feel free to make one up!

Remember the purpose of the contest? To win this free gemstone talisman, so get your comments in!

Enter Margaret’s contest, too.

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