
Organizing the Weaving Studio

This past weekend was the annual Allegany Artisans studio tour. The 22nd year for the Artisans, it was my first time with this group. I took off the week before to prepare.

Ok, mostly to clean my house. A task I despise, I always put it off as long as possible. Obviously, now was the time. I did spend pretty much the entire week cleaning, although I gave myself lots of breaks and interspersed cleaning with things like making yummy soup.

Anyway, my weaving studio (previously known as the computer room) was in major disarray. Most yarns awaiting my attention were in the packing boxes they were shipped in — not a pretty sight. That wouldn’t do for people coming. In order to organize the yarns and get them out of the boxes, I had to empty four shelves. Books and records had to go. The albums just got moved upstairs, not to be parted with. I went through many shelves of books to decide which I no longer had any need to keep, and filled three big boxes of books to give away. And then even found someone who wanted them – a win-win for sure.

On one side of the shelves I put all my coned yarns, by yarn type (rayon chenille, bamboo, cotton, cotton flannel), with a bit of space left for some bins of odds & ends.

The other side holds bags of all my handpainted yarns, all from my favorite yarn painter, Tammy of Yarntopia Treasures.


After I was done, I wished I’d reversed the sides I used, since the coned yarns make a prettier picture for visitors to see, but I wasn’t about to change it.

My house is now beautifully clean and fit to be lived in again. Now I can get back to weaving!

How about you – does cleaning float your boat, or it is a necessary evil to be avoided when at all possible? (Leave me a comment to be entered into the October contest.)

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